Natural Extracts and Essences

natural extracts

High quality natural extracts. Essentail oils, CO2 extracts, absolutes. We offer a special selection of natural extracts for use in food.

fragrance compounds

Compounds for use in perfumery, cosmetic products and functional products.  Around 1000 formulas  created.

exclusive formulas

Exclusive products for your company. A special selection of rare raw materials for niche perfumery.

About us


Alchemia Essenze is a start up based in Florence, Italy, which operates in the field of design and production of essences and fragrances. Our aim is to merge the production of high quality raw materials and compounds with the analysis of the market and the know-how in scent analysis and fragrance design. 

Our services are based on the ScentEncoder technology. ScentEncoder enables to encode scents and perfumes in our databases using olfactive dictionaries, and to match the chemical profile of our raw materials and compounds with the corresponding olfactory profile. 

Our natural extracts and our compounds are integrated in the ScentEncoder system, and olfactory analysis is available for our fragrance compounds. 

Alchemia Essenze offers R&D solutions, and our perfumer will work with a team of fragrance evaluators to create and evaluate each fragrance. 


Our services include:

  • design and production of fragrance compounds
  • design and production of customized products for your company 
  • olfactory marketing and consultancy 





R&D solutions

Alchemia Essenze delivers R&D solutions for your company, and our perfumer and fragrance evaluators will work to create each fragrance.  Our services include design of the fragrance from the concept , analysis of the raw materials, olfactory analysis of essences, market analysis and olfactory marketing. 

fragrance desing

Fragrance design and production, IFRA standard compliant and reduced environmental impact formulas.

olfactory analysis

Olfactory analysis of raw materials,  fragrances and formulas, data analysis and analysis of headspaces. 

olfactory marketing

Olfactory marketing, market analysis, raw materials evaluations, fragrance concept presentation and olfactory consultancy.